Use of plastic in the society

Use of plastic


Wrong waste management

Visible plastic waste in the seas


factors and time horizon

Direct discharge of microplastic

Microplastic in the 

marine environment

Environmental effects


and  circular economy

Interaction with animals

Macroscopic effects on animals

Regulation of

waste management

and recycling

Uptake in marine organisms

Effects on marine species?

Effects on marine ecosystems?

Regulation of use of plastic

Regulation of discharge of microplastic

Plastic pollution is highly visible in the published and social media and prioritised on the political agenda both in Denmark and internationally. As a result, policy proposals and guidelines, such as the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the European Commission’s strategies on plastics and the Circular Economy Package are not in full synergy with those that regulate production, use and disposal of plastic. There is a need to improve understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of existing policies, strategies and initiatives, as well as for continued scientific research on the specific aspects of plastic pollution that can support political activities.


MarinePlastic has an
ambitious environmental
mission, and aims to help
today´s drowning plastic
pollution problem

MarinePlastic will
strengthen the status
of Danish research
in an international

MarinePlastic gathers the
Danish research intitutes
from different fields to
create groundbraking

MarinePlastic will
utilise the knowledge
by proposing social
solutions and integrate
decision makers


Fulfilling the goals requires that societal development form the point of departure for future research focus and that future policy measures on the other hand learn from scientific state of the art. The research strategy for the MarinePlastic center takes this approach by having work package (WP) 1 addressing regulatory and societal change and providing input and feedback to WP 2-5, which then address the major scientific uncertainties within the areas: detection, abundance, fate and impact of marine plastic pollution.


Marine plastic pollution is one of the fastest growing environmental problems of our time.

Between 60 and 80% of today’s global marine litter is comprised of plastic and 4-12 million tons are released annually into the marine environment.


most stages of the entire plastic cycle:

The major concerns are whether:


- societal actions (e.g. policy measures) are in sync with the scientific understanding and vice versa,


- and whether the progress in science sufficiently supports a sustainable societal development in regard to addressing plastic pollution. 

Therefore MarinePlastic employs a


MarinePlastic - The Danish center for research in marine plastic pollution

The project is supported by

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