The konsortium works on the following work packages (WPs)
Leader: RUC
1. Use of science in regional and international regulations
2. Transition to circular economy
Leader: AAU
1. Measuring environmental relevant nanoplastics
2. Applicability of metal-doped nanoplastics.
Leader: AU
1. What is the magnitude of plastic pollution in Danish coastal and open waters and how much does the pollution vary between different areas?
2. Which are the most significant sources of plastic pollution in Danish coastal waters?
Leader: NatMus
Investigates: How plastic degrades
Degradation of plastic in the marine environment
MarinePlastic addresses realistic degradation in the environment
Leader: RUC
Microplastic is absorbed in many places in the food chain
Which mechanisms do control the uptake, translocation and release of microplastic
Comparison of plastic when it is ‘freshly prepared’, broken down and biofilm greeted
Leader: AAU
MarinePlastic II - The Danish center for research in marine plastic pollution
The project is supported by
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