WP 2:

Abundance and fate of plastic pollution

Leader: AAU

Measuring environmental relevant nanoplastics

Our ability to measure nanoplastics in natural environments is still challenged- mainly we struggle to reliably extract these particles from complex matrices such as sediment. We aim:

To develop a method which can extract plastic down to 200 nm

To analyze the extracts

To pave the way for an analytical method which can be used in marine monitoring programs 

Applicability of metal-doped nanoplastics

A further challenge in micro- and nanoplastics is to ensure that one measures precisely what is in the sample. Thus, we aim

To validate the method using metal-doped nanoplastics and ICP-MS

Replicate the method on environmental samples collected in the context of the Danish Marine Strategy Monitoring Program

Facilitate discussions on the applicability of the method for monitoring under the MSFD and the regional conventions.

MarinePlastic II - The Danish center for research in marine plastic pollution

The project is supported by

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