WP 3:

Environmental Impact of nanoplastic and plastic chemicals

Leader: DTU

1. Trophic transfer of nanoplastic

Results from MarinePlastic showed nanoplastics might be of particular concern, due to their ability to translocate across biological membranes and indications of negative impacts on fish exposed to nanoplastics. Now we aim: conduct studies on trophic transfer of nanoplastics within key trophic levels in the Danish marine ecosystem as well as impact on key stone species.

Trophic transfers of “metal doped” nanoplastics from three trophic levels within the pelagic system

Trophic transfer of the same nanoplastics from the benthic community into the pelagic system

Impact of nanoplastics on different benthic invertebrates representing the epifaunal and infaunal communities

2. Impact of additives

There is a pressing and significant need to enhance our understanding of the presence and composition of chemicals within plastics

Investigate the migration of chemical additives and monomers/oligomers from a range of common plastic polymers

Produce and analyse leachates from commercially available plastic products, made from conventional and biobased polymers

Perform ecotoxicological tests

MarinePlastic II - The Danish center for research in marine plastic pollution

The project is supported by

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